

Prophecy: Hope Centre


“I saw Jesus walk into the auditorium. The auditorium represented every campus. He was focused on an appointed time.

The tide is turning… a threshold on the cusp of something… He is always with us, but this was intentional, a prepared assignment… a glory of God thing.

He was tall, pure, striking and very sure. He held glory… He was and is glory… He looked like honour… it was like these were His clothes.

It was like He was coming because hearts are being laid down to Him, for Him… beginning to turn to Him. 

I saw Him walk over to the left side of the auditorium near the front.

Then… He turned around and faced the auditorium… I can’t explain that moment… and with a very very loud rushing, surging voice He shouted: 

“If anyone is thirsty, let him come to ME and DRINK. Whoever believes in ME as the scripture has said, streams of living water will flow from within him.”

Then, glory started to appear, rivers, rivers…

The invitation evoked response…

Some stayed and watched

Some moved closer

Some left

Some came close to Him

Some came very close

Some ran to Him without reserve

The dawn of the day had begun… redemption… more… He Himself filled all.”

Prophecy: Brisbane

“As we were praying, I saw such a very clear and compelling prophetic vision for the city of Brisbane and her surrounding regions. In this vision I saw Somerset dam, positioned on the outskirts of Brisbane. Somerset is a gated dam allowing controlled water releases during times of heavy rain. It is the regions oldest, and one of the largest water storages.


In this vision, I saw various well-known church and prophetic leaders from Brisbane standing on the gated section of the dam and praying for revival - united across denominations and movements in their prayers. As they prayed atop the gate of Somerset Dam, the Lord said very clearly, ‘summer is the set time of my outpouring for the city of Brisbane.’

And as this declaration was heard, water (a metaphor for His Holy Spirit) began gushing forth, breaking the gates and flowing out uncontrollably all across the South East region of Qld. No longer were the ‘gates’ controlling how the water flowed!


This was a revival flow of Holy Spirit water that nobody could control!”

Prophecy: Unlike all the other times 

“Sometimes there is a time unlike all the other times.

What could not be accomplished in the past, for whatever reason, will be accomplished.

What could not be healed in other times, will be healed. What could not be relinquished will be relinquished willingly. What could not be forgiven will be forgiven.

What could not be finished will be brought to completion. 

This is unlike other times. Do not think this will be like other times. It is not. This is unlike all the other times.”

Prophecy: Generations


“I can see the generations of children returning… coming to the ONE they left… coming in surrender and knowing full repentance and forgiveness of sins.


There is mercy falling… mercy… it’s already happening. God is answering the prayers… He is… there’s a flow, a flood of His mercy falling on the hearts of the children who were committed to God in their early years.


It doesn’t matter how long it’s been anymore because they’re coming to Him who has mercy.


It’s happening now… now. Yes, it’s coming true… the Lord is giving them hearts to know Him again… now. The hardness is breaking off, the lies are dissolving, and their eyes are seeing the truth… He who is the truth.


They are turning from their ways to Him who stands in front of them… the ONE full of mercy, compassion, grace, truth, and Salvation…. The perfect Lamb of God.”


Prophecy: Hope Centre: Haggai 2:6-9


We are entering into days of divine provision, greater glory, and a season of peace.

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