Connect — Hope Centre

Are you new?

The first step to getting connected at Hope Centre is to come to a Welcome Party. Every month in all our locations you’re invited to meet the team, meet people and find out how you can be part of the church family.


There’s a group for you.

Groups are church becoming family, where you can establish healthy, life-giving relationships with others and go on the journey of serving others as Jesus did.



Communities are a space to meet new people and feel known. They are open, inclusive and connect people with a particular interest or similar stage of life. There are regular open gatherings that are a great place to find friends.

Life Groups

Life groups are small, intentional discipleship groups with people who you do life with. In a life group, you intentionally build safe relationships that will help you stretch and grow to be more like Jesus.

Hope Team

The Hope Team is about serving others and intentionally bringing the message of Jesus in a transformative way. The Hope Team is made up of groups that serve the church, serve the community, are active on Sundays and active throughout the week.

Short Courses

Short life transforming courses, including Alpha. Alpha is a series of free interactive sessions that creates an open and honest space, where people can explore life, faith, and God. You’re invited to bring along a friend and explore big questions together.


Not sure where to start? Let us help you.