Engage with Your City

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Mobile Shower

Hope Centre, in partnership with One Voice, help to restore dignity one life at a time through providing a safe place to get clean. One challenge faced by homeless Australians when living on the streets is maintaining personal hygiene. Some people shower at shelters or others in public toilet blocks, constantly thinking ‘Who is around?’ or ‘Am I safe?’

Your service offers people a safe place to shower, shave, brush their teeth, connect with other support services and most importantly, restore dignity in their lives! We partner with other organisations to provide the support our friends on the street need.

There are currently close to 20 volunteers who make this service available to our friends on the street 4 nights every week of the year. Dignity not only comes in a shower but also through a conversation. The shower is an opportunity to provide a listening ear, a laugh, encouragement, or prayer if requested. Through your support, relationship and trust are being built and hope is being shared. Why? Because ALL people matter…

In building connection with regular visitors to the mobile shower, we are seeing greater vulnerability and trust. Recently on a shift, a patron began to share about some of the hardships in his life. They then asked if I would pray for them which happened through the trust and knowledge that we are Christians. I feel so blessed to be in this space for these moments.

- Volunteer

Click here to watch the Shower Truck story

If you would like to be a part of restoring dignity and bringing hope, please click here to fill out the form and someone will be in touch shortly.


Kids Hope Mentoring

Kids Hope Mentoring is an early intervention, school-based mentoring program for children experiencing vulnerability and at risk of disengaging from their education. You allow us to have a number of trained volunteer mentors spend time with one child, for one hour each week and see immeasurable impacts!

You have been running this program in Ascot State School for the last 2 years with teachers and staff being able to see tangible results.

We are very appreciative of the HOPE mentoring program and have seen the noticeable impact it has on our young people.

- Deputy Principal

Click here to watch Jame's Kids Hope Story

If you would like to be a part of bringing positive change to a child’s life through mentoring, please click here to fill out a form and someone will be in touch shortly.


Brisbane School Chaplains

School Chaplains support young people in one of today’s most high-pressure environments, the school yard, by a safes and positive influence. As part of Hope Centre, you support 13 chaplains across 14 schools helping to support children as they navigate life and school. Not only do chaplains provide breakfast and do pancake drives, they also run life giving personal development programs such as Shine for girls and Strength for boys.

Below is just one story of how your support is contributing to children being given better opportunities:

We have a grade 11 student at my school, a very bright boy and a student leader. His mother lost her job during COVID. The student has a part time job and was going to use money from his job to pay for his textbooks and student resource fees. He is taking high level subjects and was trying to make arrangements to pay for these in increments as his paychecks came in. The cashier referred his case to me, and using the funds, we've been able to pay for all his textbooks and will also be paying for his student resource fees. The total is somewhere around $300-$400. The cashier told me that he was just about in tears when she told him that it would be taken care of. He's been working very hard to try and support himself, and this is one less cost that he has to worry about.

If you would like to support a chappy near you in a practical capacity, please click here and fill out the form and someone will be in touch shortly.


Help Day

Help Day is an annual initiative outworked by Hope Centre where you join with over 300 people across greater Brisbane simply to bless our community, bring a positive influence, and lead change. For years, you have been bringing a revolution of kindness to the city of Brisbane. This has been done through building gardens at local schools, supporting charities by adding value to their facilities and even through providing tools and skills to those in our community who have had a tough life.

In 2019, you partnered with Northgate State School to build an outdoor learning space for students called the Heart Garden. Not only have students and teachers enjoyed using this space for learning, but due to the relationship that was built you have since been able to assist teachers during lunch times with our Kid’s Team organising lunch buddies taking some burden off the teaching staff. You were also able to provide some hampers and activity packs during COVID for students that struggled to be at home or where home was not a safe space. All that because of one act of kindness…

If you have an idea for a project in your community, please email ben.dacey@hopecentre.com.

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QLD Children’s Hospital

In 2020 the opportunity arose to bring some hope and joy to families who are doing it tough that have children in long term stay at QLD Children’s Hospital. You did this by raising $12,000 within 2 weeks to bless mums of sick children on Mother’s Day! You also blessed fathers on Father’s Day. This was at a time when parents could only visit their child one at a time and other family and friends were simply not allowed in the hospital.

With your support in 2021, we will again bless mums and dads through simple gifts. Because of what you did in 2020, the door has been opened for us to possibly do more practically to help families and health staff. We will keep you updated and let you know of the opportunities as they arise.


Religious Instruction in Schools (RI)

We have an amazing opportunity to teach the good news about Jesus to our kids and teenagers in the state schools in our area. For 30 minutes a week we are invited by the school to send volunteers in to talk to children about Jesus. We play games, do crafts, experiments, read the bible and show the next generation how loved they are by the creator of the universe. The curriculum and lessons are all provided for us!

It’s awesome having the kids be able to ask all their questions about God and find some answers.

- RI Teacher

There are many schools who allow us to partner with them with currently more opportunities than RI teachers available. If you would like to share the love of Jesus with children through RI, please click here and fill out the form and someone will be in touch shortly.

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NightWatch Chaplaincy

NightWatch Chaplains and team members operate on the streets of Brisbane Wednesday through to Sunday from late night to dawn when tens of thousands of people head out for a good time. Unfortunately, many who are simply out for a good time end up with drastically altered personalities and behaviours often fuelled by drugs and alcohol. NightWatch Chaplains and team members help to keep people safe through their core values of being Divinely Led, Intentional Intervention, Owning Response-ability and People Matter. They do this through proactive patrolling and a well designed rest and recovery centre. The aim is to show the practical love of Jesus through: Chaplaincy, first aid, mental health first aid, problem solving, aggression de-escalation and fight intervention, non-emergency transport to hospital and assisting emergency services. All for the purpose of increasing safety in our cities and bringing glory to God.

If you would like to support NightWatch, please click here and fill out the form and someone will be in touch shortly.